We use HTML to structure our web documents.

I think Rev. Green did it in the kitchen with the chainsaw.

Chris Mills, Manchester, The Grim North, UK

My birthday is on the 25th of May 2001.

Caffeine's chemical formula is C8H10N4O2.

If x2 is 9, x must equal 3.

var para = document.querySelector('p');

para.onclick = function() {
  alert('Owww, stop poking me!');

You shouldn't use presentational elements like <font> and <center>.

In the above JavaScript example, para represents a paragraph element.

Select all the text with Ctrl/Cmd + A.

$ ping mozilla.org
PING mozilla.org ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=40 time=158.233 ms